Translations Update

Just a quick catchup to let you know that Lois has added new chapters to her translation of 24/7, and there is a brand new translation of Brother Dear into Chinese by Racifer – both can be found on the Translations page.

My new novel is progressing well – it’s now 125,000 words long, but there’s still quite a way to go yet! I’m very excited about this novel, and have had some great feedback from my audiencers. I’ll post more details when I’m close to finishing it :-).


  1. Jo

    Dear Xanthe,

    I’m sure you are extremely busy, I’m just wondering how that Chinese translation problem is working out
    Looking through all translations I’ve not seen one pdf that wasn’t unreadable…
    What do your translators say about that? Maybe they have some insight into this problem?


  2. Xanthe

    Hi Jo,

    I’m afraid none of them replied to me :-(. Some of the more recent translations should be fine on the site though – it’s the older ones we’ve lost. I emailed all the people who provided them but nobody got back to me with the files.


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