Reply To: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers!

Xanthe Home Forums Musical Theatre New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers! Reply To: New Les Miserables Movie – casting spoilers!


Oh no! I don’t think there’s ANYTHING they can cut! I hope they don’t. Sigh. I just thought they’d keep it as is because I know CM is in charge and I thought he’d want to preserve its integrity. I don’t think with a musical there’s anything wrong with it being pretty long. I hope they don’t waste screen time on establishing shots and slow, panoramic pans around and fight sequences and then have to cut a song or two! Although…if they do cut any songs, I hope it’s the Marius/Cosette love songs *g*. Which it won’t be because I guess those are kind of important to the plot :-(

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