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All the stories you have written! How to choose from that?
Hmm….well, I very much enjoy rereading ‘The Friday Night Club’ from The West Wing. The dynamic between these three men on screen worked just as well when put to use in the Blue Bedroom. I have reread it a couple of times now, the entire story and not just the scenes that I liked best ;D
Now ’24/7′ I found very interesting too, I have not reread it, just a chapter or scene here and there. That’s more because it’s such a large and very intense story. It sucked me in and took up all of my attention, probably because it was my first multi-chapter novel style story with a BDSM theme I read. The involvement of Walter and Fox in the NCIS fic ‘Two Masters’ did make my day though *g*
‘Hiding in plain sight’, ‘General & Dr Sheppard’, ‘Coming Home’, ‘Doctor’s Orders’…..they are not my favorites, but runner ups ::)

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