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Haggy, Subterfuge is on my list.. having recently coded these stories (nearly 200 in total) there are so many i haven’t read, but now want to. Two Wolves looks really good.
Out of the ones i have read, i woudl have to say my all time fav… and not just fanfiction or even Xanthe fic, but my all time fave story EVER, is the Adversary. OMG i love that story. it is so intense, so well written, so perfectly characterised. So dark, but tender, offering insights into characters that you rarely see. I think i have judged every fic i have read since then by that one.
Don’t know how many times i have read it, i have it on my phone, in case i am stuck in the bank queue and i need something good to read. I have always been a reader and apparently a closet slash fan (anybody who has read Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire… that is pretty damn slashy) and i always come back to the Adversary.

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