Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles

Xanthe Home Forums BDSM, Slash & Spanking Attack of the Slash Goggles Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles


My first slash ship was Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and I remember being astounded by it. I loved their chemistry in TPM (and I have ALWAYS loved any movie/show with male-bonding, whatever the extent), but that kind of a relationship? I wasn’t so sure. The fanfic author explained to me that she imagined the Jedi as free spirits/evolved enough to choose lovers regardless of things like gender. That made complete sense to me and the more I read, the more I realized slash was what was missing in my enjoyment of fandoms.
I even got a bumper sticker that read “I’d rather be writing slash” and TWICE people left notes on my windshield/car window in enthusiastic, multi-exclamation point support of it *G*
And now it’s progressed to the state where I will choose what fandoms to get into specifically because of the slash potential (okay, with a little bit of h/c potential weighting the decision as well). If it hadn’t been for a Remus/Sirius slashfic I read, I would NEVER have read the Harry Potter books (and now I’m co-organizer of my local Harry Potter Alliance chapter, lol). If not for Hiding in Plain Sight, I might not have finally finished watching Stargate Atlantis (thanks, Xanthe! Totally worth it!).
Sure, I still enjoy movies and shows that don’t have slash possibilities, and I can enjoy fandoms for what they are. But if there are slash possibilities, you bet I now only see them in an instant but I’m drawn right to it. It definitely increases my enjoyment of a fandom, that’s for sure.

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