Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles

Xanthe Home Forums BDSM, Slash & Spanking Attack of the Slash Goggles Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles


But slash seems to go further and explore more whereas het seems to be traditional romance genre type stuff and therefore rather boring (to me at least!). What I like about slash is that we’re not stuck with roles or traditional male/female romantic expectations. And it’s far more interesting getting two guys into bed with each other – you have to work harder for it!
With slash in my humble opinion ;) you are not stuck with the big macho guy dragging home a dead cow over his shoulder to provide for his little woman and kids image. And before all the womans libbers out there get upset I claim my trip to tesco on a weekly basis and dragging all those bags in to feed my 3 men = the same dead cow ;)

This is what I’m trying to agree with Sam about. Our boys are not flamboyantly gay steriotypes with one taking on the more feminine role.
With slash first you have to work to find a balance…same sex partners may not be matched pound for pound but in most of our story verses each partner has unique qualities. Gibb’s and DiNozzo for example, ok no one would really take Tony for a sub just looking at him. He fits the macho male role perfectly unless you see the interaction between him and his boss. Skinner and Fox however has the alpha male with the lighter beta but Fox’s sharp mind balances Skinners size and power. (am I even making sense? I doubt it what I am trying to say is kinda scrambled in my head lol)

The best stories bring those qualities out and build on them. The draw for me has always been a power thing. I love evenly matched couples and the complex stories that are written which very subtly tilt that balance to get these men into bed. (groan…I really know this doesnt make sense)

Oh BTW? as this was kinda the whole topic thingy
The first slash I read was a Kirk/Spock and the First BDSM I read which kinda shocked the hell outa me because well that stuff gets played behind locked doors lol was a Chakotay/Paris and then I found an original BDSM m/m called Clean Sweep. After that every good show was followed and group joined that had m/m pairings ;) I rarely if ever read het because it holds no oompf for me.
Call this old lady perverted ;)

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