Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles

Xanthe Home Forums BDSM, Slash & Spanking Attack of the Slash Goggles Reply To: Attack of the Slash Goggles


I’m not sure if TV shows are have become more prevalent giving us easy slash pairings. I think we are seeing them more, and we have a lovely diverse community to help fan our slashy tendencies. Personally, I my slash progression has done a complete turn around. I was introduced to the wonderful world of slash though the Disney film Newsies (Don’t have to think much to get great pairings out of that film). Then I hunted out stories based on my fav shows, films and books. Lately though the processed is reversed, I started out looking for stargate Atlantis on Xanthe’s site and fell in love with the enchanting BDSM universe, which led to intrigue over the show NCIS (which I had previously only watched one ep of). Which led to the wonderful 24/7 fic. Now I find that I am searching out TV Shows which are the inspiration of my favourite slash fics.
List so far is NCIS, X-Files and my new fav show Suits.

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