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Harvey is a risk taker, but he’s so over the line on this one, that I wonder if Jessica would or even could forgive him for this particular indiscretion. He’s putting her name, business and reputation on the line and setting her up for all kinds of legal recriminations if and when the truth comes out. And of course it will, eventually. I’m curious as to what he’d say to Jessica about his motives for doing it; “I like the adrenaline high” just isn’t going to cut it with her. This is a major betrayal on a professional level, but I get the feeling it’s the personal betrayal that will mean the most to her and her wrath is going to be epic.
As for Trevor, I think he’s going for maximum revenge because that’s just the kind of shit friend he truly is. He might not get the whole truth out right then, but I have no doubt that’s what he’s there to do. Boy needs to go back to Montana and stay there.
Just finished your story before I came over here. Whew! Chapter 3 certainly got intense. Having fibromyalgia, I am a person who is totally not into the kind of pain you were delivering, but the scene was very well written and you never lost the voices of the characters. I very much liked chapter 4, with Mike questioning Harvey about mind-fucking him and taking back his power from Harvey. I can understand Mike wanting to give it all up to Harvey, but I don’t think Harvey has really shown his — trustworthiness? — enough to warrant that kind of absolute submission from Mike. Emotionally, I mean. Can Harvey thaw out enough around Mike and trust him enough to show him those emotions that he hides from everyone else? Chapter 5 answers that question nicely, without making Harvey a blubbering mess to do it (thank you for not going there). All in all, a very satisfying story for this delicate flower *g*. I’m looking forward to reading more of your stories in this fandom. I only wish I watched the other shows you write in.
One thing: In your story, Harvey hasn’t seen the Star Trek reboot, but in the episode of the mock trial he cites Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru test and changing the parameters of a no-win scenario. Was that test also in the original series? Heh. Harvey is so totally Captain Kirk with Mike being a cross between Genius!Spock and Such-a-Bottom!Chekhov.
BTW, those D/s emoticons are incredibly distracting. They’re really hard to stop watching lol.
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