Reply To: 9X05 – Safe Harbor

Xanthe Home Forums TV Fandoms NCIS 9X05 – Safe Harbor Reply To: 9X05 – Safe Harbor


Yup – you’ve put your finger on it. It wasn’t all “Poor, tragic, Princess Ziva with her evol daddy who wouldn’t buy her a pony – SOB! Who was abandoned and beaten up in Somalia – SOB! Who mean shit happens to and has had such a saaaad life – SOB! Who needs a new Daddy – Gibbs – and a funny boyfriend – Tony – to scoop her up and make her feel better because she’s so freaking TRAGIC!” I’m sick of her and wouldn’t have watched it if it had been more of that shit.
I don’t know that there ARE any Bibbs shippers out there! LOL! But I do love Borin. I wish Ziva would disappear so Borin could take her place on the team. I love female characters like Borin – genuinely strong instead of that pseudo strong that mistakes high kicks and mean putdowns for a strong woman. Borin is focussed, funny, career minded, and doesn’t make goo-goo eyes at the boys and have “possible love interest” tattooed on her forehead.

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