Harvey/Mike – a D/s relationship onscreen?

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    • #6588

      I look at the Harvey/Mike relationship and to my (admittedly BDSM skewed!) eyes, it looks like a D/s relationship being played out onscreen. I LOVE that about it! I love that they really showcase so many of the things I love about D/s couples. Mike looks so wonderfully subby around Harvey at times, and he looks so very toppy when he’s with Mike – and he also shows us some lovely protective instincts too.

    • #6589

      I absolutely adore the second picture, Mike is gorgeous with his head bowed that way.
      I watched the show when it first came out, watched a few episodes, then got really upset at how nasty the Louis character was, so I bowed out for three episodes because I just couldn’t watch it. Then I started up again, and realized the absolute power relationship between Harvey and Mike. I don’t even think its subtle. Then Jessica, who is so bad assed I can even…I am so in the middle of writing fic where she spanks Harvey. I couldn’t help it. :)

    • #6590

      Ok so I just watched episode two and if I hadn’t seen Harvey in bed with women on more than one occasion I would say this is a canon D/s relationship. Those scenes between them were so BDSMy it’s unreal. And then Harvey said “Good Boy” in their last scene?! Okay I know Mike wasn’t there to hear it but still! Wow, it’s all right there.
      I KNOW! It’s astonishing how D/s they are. As for Harvey in bed with women – they just aren’t showing the times he takes men to his bed and dominates them *g*. I love the D/s stuff between them and hope we never lose it – it’s lovely to see a D/s relationship more or less portrayed onscreen in this way. I know that’s not what the show intended but they have all the hallmarks of a really good D/s relationship – Harvey is toppy and stern with Mike – but they also have fun together and Harvey is protective of Mike too and bails him out of trouble.
      I LOVE that bit in one episode where Mike’s been caught breaking in by the janitor guy and Harvey goes and bails him out – and how Harvey takes the rap for Mike’s screw ups because Harvey is responsible for Mike. But also Harvey is like a new dom, feeling his way – he gets things wrong and he doesn’t give Mike the help and guidance he often needs, so he deserves to take responsibility for those screwups. I like seeing ALL of that!

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