<p>My submission is a natural inborn feeling, and at times a surging and powerful force inside me that only a respectable and knowledgeable Master can recognise, control and manage, for He understands how my nature influences my behaviour and how temptations to act outside of its drive can easily lead me astray and away from my primary focus: to please and to be found pleasing. He, too, manages and controls His Own natural state, sharing with me through a power exchange between us, bonding me tightly to Him, His needs with mine. my submission to such a Master allows for me to feel more aware and alive inside and out, bringing me to a feeling i cherish: ‘ at home ‘.</p>
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Am kinda new to the lifestyle..But I will be glad if you can write me on a n n j o n e s 128 at y a h o o dot com, so that i can share all about me and my pics</p>
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