Season One Discussion

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    • #6591

      Discuss the season one episodes here!
      1×01 Pilot
      1×02 Errors and Omissions
      1X03 Inside Track
      1X04 Dirty Little Secrets
      1X05 Bailout
      1X06 Tricks of the Trade
      1X07 Play the Man
      1×08 Identity Crisis
      1×09 Undefeated
      1×10 The Shelf Life
      1X11 Rules of the Game
      1×12 Dog Fight

    • #6592

      At the end of this episode, Donna gives Jessica a package along with some papers obviously detailing something slimy that Cameron did. My question is: What evidence was in the package?
      Personally, I’m of the opinion that it’s something personal of Donna’s – like a dress or other piece of clothing with incriminating evidence on it, a la Monica Lewinski / Bill Clinton. I just can’t see Donna hiding hard, physical evidence of wrong-doing by Cameron from Harvey, no matter how much hero-worshipping is going on.
      I think she would hide something personal, though, simply because she knows how much it would hurt Harvey and she knows what Harvey would do if he found out what Cameron did to her. Supporting this theory (in my eyes) is the way Jessica completely backed up Donna to Harvey and the way Cameron did a surprising 180 — like he knew there was absolutely no way he could weasel his way out of it should it become public. Also telling is the fact that neither Donna, nor Jessica, revealed to Harvey what the evidence was. If it’s evidence that perhaps an innocent person was wrongly convicted, then why hide it now that Cameron’s deceit is out in the open?
      So, what was in the package? I’m curious about other possibilities of what it might be.

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