How do I change my password?
Once you are logged in, you can use the profile dropdown in the top right corner of your screen.
Go to edit your profile and from there you can edit all of your profile information, including your password (right down near the bottom).
Otherwise you can ask an admin to do it for you if you find it too daunting
Go to edit your profile and from there you can edit all of your profile information, including your password (right down near the bottom).
Otherwise you can ask an admin to do it for you if you find it too daunting
Why can I not add a comment?
You must be a registered member to be able to leave comments.
You can register here
You can register here
How can I load my Avatar?
- You need to be registered and logged in. You can register here or use the login link to login.
- In the very top right corner of your screen there is a drop down, use that to edit your profile.
- Scroll down to near the bottom of the page you will see avatar options.
- Choose a picture from your computer to upload using the browse button.
- Update profile and you are done.
You should now see your avatar in the profile and that will display in any comments you make!
How can I download?
There are two ways to download either a translation, podfic or e-version of Xanthe’s stories (assuming they are available).
1. Go to the story and you will see menu options for eVersions (including epub, mobi and pdf), Podfics and translations. Select the format you want and click the relevant link to download.
2. You can go directly to the eVersions and translations in the Downloads link in the main menu and select your download from there by expanding the folders to find your download.
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