Just a Secretary…? Summary: Kim has reason to believe that Skinner is in mortal danger – but how can she help him? Fandom: X-Files Pairing: Skinner/Kim Genre: Het Characters: Walter Skinner, KimStory Type: Romance, angst,...
Mrs. Krycek Summary: Skinner and Mulder go and visit a grieving widow in the aftermath of the events of Existence.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Alex/Mrs. KrycekGenre: HetCharacters: Alex Krycek, Mrs. KrycekStory Type: Character Study, RomanceRated: RSpoilers:...
Personal Assistance Summary: Secretaries can have fun too. Fandom: X-Files Pairing: Skinner/Kim Genre: Het Characters: Walter SkinnerStory Type: Drabble seriesRated: PGSpoilers: NoneWarnings: NoneSeries: NoneWord Count: 306Chapters:...
Silver Girl Summary: Scully returns home after the events of Closure unable to face her demons, and takes refuge from the ice-storm of her emotions. Major Scullyangst.Fandom: X-Files Pairing: None Genre: Het Characters: Dana Scully, Walter...
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