Brother Dear

Latest story from Xanthe

The Cat That Walked By Himself

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“He felt as if was spinning out of control, seeking ever more dangerous risks, more intense thrills...and this...this was the ultimate risk, the ultimate trip into the unknown, the ultimate thrill. If he signed this piece of paper, anything could happen to him. During a sex game he wouldn’t have any control, or the buffer zone of a safe-word. He’d be totally, completely, at the mercy of his Master. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week...”    - 24/7

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New Fic! A Willing Lad

New Fic! A Willing Lad

Luke grinned and ran a gentle finger over Sebastian’s fine lips.

“You’re a handsome lad, as you well know. If you’re willing, you may sleep in my bed, beside me. But understand me clear – if that’s your choice, I’ll strip you bare and make fine sport with you. If you’ve lain with a man before, you’ll find it nothing like being with me.” Luke spoke with some pride. He leaned forward and whispered directly into Sebastian’s ear. “I’ll ravish you long and hard – you can expect no mercy.”

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Hello from the other side…

Hello from the other side…

I realise my last post on here was in 2016. A lot has happened since then.    In 2016, my dad was taken seriously ill. We'd just got him sorted out when we realised my mum was suffering from Alzheimer's. At the same time, two of my closest friends had...

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Dancing in the Rain

I'm so sorry for not updating this site in such a long time, and I'm particularly sorry there has been nothing new here - no new stories or updates on novels. I do update my Facebook page so please do friend me there to find out what's been going on with me. When I...

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Santa Baby!

Santa Baby!

Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you all have a lovely time today, whatever you’re doing! Tony definitely will…

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas – and a new Featured Story! This story won the favourite Xanthe Xmas fic poll. Can you guess what it is…?

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I adored this! I adore Mycroft and Sherlock stories and this one is perfect. I love their relationship – the aggravation but also the hurt/comfort parts. What a brilliant idea to have the bed as their neutral peace space. I am so glad to know what the “blud” meant and also the game they were playing in the ep! Both were questions I had after the episode, which I was especially thrilled with for the Mycroft/Sherlock scenes.


Brother Dear

Brother Dear

At the heart of the Holmes brothers’ complex relationship lies a dark secret…

This is my first story in the Sherlock fandom. I’ve always been fascinated by the Sherlock/Mycroft brotherly relationship, and after watching their scenes together in The Empty Hearse that fascination went through the roof, so I thought I’d write my take on it in this story. This story is a post–ep for The Empty Hearse and might not make much sense if you haven’t seen that episode.

Brother Dear
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