What’s Sauce For The Goose… Summary: There are always consequences for every action, as Scully is about to find out…Fandom: X-FilesPairing: NoneGenre: GenCharacters: Mulder, ScullyStory Type: Humour/CrackRated: PGSpoilers: En Ami.Warnings: NoneSeries: NoneWord...
Insomnia Summary: Tony and Gibbs are forced to share a bed while working a case, and Tony discovers something truly horrifying about his boss…Fandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Genre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory...
Tony’s Appraisal Summary: This is just a silly ficlet that came into my head today as a result of having to read through someone’s (extensive) appraisal review notes. So I got to wondering what Tony’s self-review notes on his appraisal would be...
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