Dr Who
Summary: Captain Jack is feeling horny and has a seduction planned. And usually the pleasure is all his. Usually.
Fandom: Dr Who
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Genre: Humour/Crack
Rated: PG
Word Count: 3,324
Summary: Jack reflects on his relationship with the Doctor and Rose.
Fandom: Dr Who
Pairing: Doctor/Jack, Doctor/Jack/Rose
Genre: Slash. Threesome
Rated: PG
Word Count: 2,269
Series: Two Hearts
Summary: Some men want to remember – while others just want to forget.
Fandom: Dr Who
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Genre: Slash
Rated: NC-17
Word Count: 6,234
Series: Two Hearts
Summary: The Master can’t decide whether the Doctor should live or die – but the Doctor just wants to settle down and take care of him. How did they reach that point?
Fandom: Dr Who
Pairing: Doctor/Master
Genre: Slash
Rated: R
Word Count: 7,055
Summary: Post ep for “The Doctor Dances”. Only this time he dances with someone else *g*
Fandom: Dr Who
Pairing: Doctor/Jack, Doctor/Jack/Rose
Genre: Slash
Rated: PG
Word Count: 2,949
Series: Two Hearts
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