Back from the Well
Summary: Atlantis has been raided and her people are trapped on a primitive world where technology is forbidden and they are forced to work as slaves. For some, this experience is worse than for others, but they all face their own journey in coming to terms with what has happened to them.
Fandom: Stargate:Atlantis
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay/Beckett
Genre: Slash, Threesome
Characters: John Sheppard, Carson Beckett, Rodney McKay
Story Type: Action/Case, Angst, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non Con, Torture
Rated: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Non-Con/Rape
Series: None
Word Count: 53,034
Chapters: 3
Recommendations: Xanthe Loved Writing This One!, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: December 5, 2005
Awards: This story won best hurt/comfort (multiples) in the Stargate Fan Awards, 2006
Notes: Many thanks to Bluespirit who offered me such wonderful encouragement and support and great beta advice while I was writing this monster. She also made me with the perfect title graphic. Thanks also to Sergeeva for comments and kindness . Big thanks to Phoebe for the medical beta
Any mistakes are my own.
This story is now available as a zine from:
Index page
1. Part One
2. Part Two
3. Part Three
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