Fairytale of New York
Summary: Gibbs and Tony spend a night in the drunk tank, courtesy of the NYPD.
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Genre: Slash
Characters: Gibbs, DiNozzo
Story Type: Angst, Holiday, Humour/Crack, Romance
Rated: PG-13
Spoilers: Set a year or two in the future.
Warnings: None
Series: None
Word Count: 2,291.
Chapters: 1
Published: December 22, 2009
Notes: Fairytale of New York” by the Pogues and the late, great Kirsty MacColl is my favourite Christmas song. And what could be more natural than a fusion of that song with a Gibbs/DiNozzo story? Uh, well, lots of things I suspect! This story doesn’t attempt to capture the storyline of the song (!!!), but is more a homage to it, with some actual lines of the song popping up here and there for those eagle-eyed enough to spot them. Thank you for indulging me in this particular piece of bonkersness!“Drunk Tank” = Chiefly US slang. Police custody cell, in particular, where the drunk and disorderly are held until sober Many thanks to: taylorgibbs for the beta, and nikitariddick for the audiencing and ever-constant encouragement. Fabulous Xmas graphic by the wonderful Spoonyriffic
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