Summary: In the episode The Leadership Breakfast Sam and Josh try to set a fire in the Mural Room with disastrous results. I just wondered what might have happened next.
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Leo/Josh
Genre: Slash
Characters: Josh Lyman, Leo McGarry
Story Type: Established Relationship, Humour/Crack, Spanking
Rated: R
Spoilers: Noel, The Leadership Breakfast
Warnings: None
Series: None
Word Count: 3,109
Chapters: 1
Recommendations: Award Winner, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: March 31, 2003
Notes: Not beta’d so all mistakes, anglicisms etc are mine This is a little spanky fic that I started months ago and just found today and decided to finish off It’s a standalone and isn’t set in any of my other West Wing universes.
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