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- This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by
October 1, 2011 at 7:38 am #6895
KeymasterDiscuss the season premiere here!
October 8, 2011 at 12:04 pm #6896
InactiveI think Tony sitting on that hospital bed trying to make jokes was the most vulnerable thing i have seen on TV. I was shocked Gibbs wasn’t more supportive and then i remembered that they are a couple IN. MY. HEAD. doofus that i am!
(i totally love rachel now…growling at gibbs not to undo all her hard work….and she KNEW that the FBI agent was dodgy…i BET she could help Tony realise that women really aren’t gonna do it for him) -
October 8, 2011 at 12:24 pm #6897
InactiveWasn’t that *wonderful*? MW out did himself in that one. Just so nice.
And absolutely on Rachel. But then, Tony already knows that, right? -
October 8, 2011 at 2:04 pm #6898
KeymasterI love Rachel too! And I thought it was an excellent season premiere. In fact all 3 eps so far this season have been great. Poor woobie Tony! He had 2 woobie eps in a row! LOL!
October 8, 2011 at 2:56 pm #6899
InactiveThey certainly heard us about the need for a bit of h/c. LOL!
October 8, 2011 at 4:00 pm #6900
KeymasterYou just can’t go wrong with it! That’s what annoyed me about the previous couple of seasons. No sense of jeopardy for anyone except the obvious candidate (endlessly).
October 8, 2011 at 4:48 pm #6901
InactiveOh, I *know*! It was SO tedious!
October 8, 2011 at 6:48 pm #6902
InactiveSo far, this is the only episode I’ve enjoyed this season. Of course, it was a FANTASTIC episode. I always love a HurtTony and we had Gibbs taking care of his boy and yeah, I’m even liking Kate’s sister.
October 13, 2011 at 7:48 am #6903
InactiveI loved Hurt!Tony, I really did and pissed off Gibbs that ‘someone was using HIS agent without his permission/knowledge. And some of the things Rachel said really hit the mark (I expecially liked her threatening Gibbs when she left him and Tony alone) but the plot had a major hole that ruined my enjoyment of the ep.
The ‘door openers’ weren’t that far under the skin. When any of the ‘phantom eight’ were reassigned, they would have been removed. That’s basic op security. It definately would have been removed before Levin left the military, expecially since it was a health hazard (nothing rusting inside your body is a good thing). Even if they were embedded in the bady in some way that couldn’t be removed easily (which they weren’t), the code would have been changed to disallow their cips entry, SOP when you leave any high security job (though mostly its ID badges, not microchips but the principle is the same).
So, great ep, bad premise.
October 14, 2011 at 6:48 am #6904
Inactivewell i have got to admit i got a bit confused about the chip. my understanding was they were left in because none of them had ever really left their spying ways. otherwise it made no sense. i really don’t know why that guy set up to frame Tony … so badly. i guess that is what the season is going to tell us! man. leaving things unsaid so we have to watch!! oh yeah. that’s their job *grin*. and is SacNav in on it? so many questions….
October 17, 2011 at 7:31 pm #6905
InactiveA little late to the discussion but here’s my two cents…
I adored it. MW was breathtaking – couldn’t take my eyes off him when he was on screen. I loved how he and MH move around one another – just their body language whether they’re standing closer than would be technically acceptable for two straight guys (*whistles*) or how they react to the other presence. Always fun to watch them together and I knew that this was going to be a great season for Tony just by the energy MW was bringing here. He seems to be on fire.
My big peeve? The movie bit was wrong. “Angels With Dirty Faces” is one of my all-time favorite movies. Bogart didn’t play the priest, the boy who got away and made good with his life. That role was played by Pat O’Brien. Bogie played a crooked lawyer. It just really bothered me because 1) Tony wouldn’t get that wrong and 2) it’s such an easy thing to check. It completely drew me out of the scene when I saw it the first time and that kinda pissed me off because it was so intense and angsty.
Ah well, the rest the episode rocked. -
October 18, 2011 at 2:31 pm #6906
KeymasterWow Georgie – it’s weird they got that wrong – esp as MW is such a movie buff himself!
I thought it was a great season opener too – and so far all the eps this season have been good. It’s great because I was starting to be embarrassed about having turned people onto the show when we had ep after ep of total crap for nearly two seasons. It’s lovely to see it return to form although I do wonder if it’s too late for me as I feel too wary and badly burned by it to fully embrace it. Plus, Ziva’s still in it and I’m afraid I dislike the character so much it’s hard for me to watch her at all now. -
October 18, 2011 at 4:31 pm #6907
InactiveI think part of the reason I’ve been enjoying this season so much is because of the severe lack of Ziva. Although she was sort of central to “Enemy on the Hill” she felt like she was still in the background. That might be because of the Abby subplot or the fact that when we saw her she didn’t say anything, she just did that staring thing that’s supposedly sexy or unnerving or something.
I fear this will not be the case much longer, so I’m enjoying the respite while we have it.
October 18, 2011 at 5:31 pm #6908
KeymasterOne of the things I’ve loved about this season, and one of the reasons I’m enjoying it frankly, is there’s little Ziva. She completely dominated the show for two seasons with her endless dramas, and turned it from an ensemble into the Ziva show for awhile. I like that she’s in the background now. I’m not sure I’ll actually watch any Ziva focussed episode this season because I dislike her so much. I never did watch Enemies Foreign and Domestic or Dead Air from last season. Too much Ziva focus of a kind I can’t stand. I’m happy to skip any Zivacentric ep – hopefully there won’t be too many of them. She’s had more than enough focus for 2 seasons. It’s someone else’s turn now. That was why I was pleased by the Abby plot arc they initiated in the last episode. She’s been marginalised for long enough. And why I was glad to see SM get a turn in the spotlight too. And there’s rumours of a Ducky ep coming up as well. It seemed like the show forgot anyone other than Ziva and Gibbs existed for awhile and I’m glad to see the balance returning.
October 19, 2011 at 12:26 am #6909
InactiveI put my little Abby rant over in “Enemy on the Hill” since it wasn’t really appropriate here. It’s weird that Ziva seems to be such a popular character with the general public, because I don’t know anyone who really likes her anymore. (No one likes having a character shoved down their throats, especially at the expense of other beloved characters. Ooh, referencing our SGA conversation…)
Is this the first season with MH as an exec producer? Maybe we’re seeing him putting his producer foot down, which would explain why we get competent!butstillgoofy! Tony and other character having a look in. -
October 19, 2011 at 7:06 am #6910
KeymasterI’m not sure Ziva is such a popular character with the general public. It seems that whenever there’s a poll the top three are always Gibbs, Abby and Tony, usually in that order, with Ziva coming in somewhere further down, either in 4th or 5th place. She was shoved at us so much in S6 and 7 it’s not surprising she’s amassed something of a fanbase. I’m just hoping that what GG is doing with the show this season will restore the popularity of some of the other characters who suffered during the reign of Princess Ziva – most notably Tony who was dumbed down horrifically, often, it appeared, just to make her look good. If I were MW i’d wonder what on earth i’d done to piss off Shane Brennan so much, frankly!
And yes, it is MH’s first season as EP. And I think we are seeing his influence very much. That and the fact I think GG likes the DPB era far more than the SB era – he’s more or less said so on several occasions, so he’s moving away from ZCIS and back to an ensemble show featuring a team that actually likes and support each other rather than snipping at each other.
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