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Tagged: Slash
- This topic has 19 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years, 4 months ago by Anonymous.
October 8, 2011 at 11:00 pm #6406AnonymousInactive
I was innocent once…
I watched my fave tv shows and was cheerfully entertained by onscreen antics without considering that the characters could have hidden inner lives or desires apart from the ones they fessed up to on screen. I cheered my fave guys on in getting the girl despite feeling that actually it was pretty boring when they did and much more fun when they were single and hanging with buds/gang/team/colleagues or whatever.
Well…in spirit of total disclosure I should confess that I always had secret guilty pleasure of watching guys kissing on screen but hey I’m only human!
So then I stumbled on SGA fic and McShep and my eyes were opened… Fast forward a few years and I’m overflowing with fandoms and shipping several slash pairings. (SGA, NCIS, H50, Star Trek Reboot, Criminal Minds to name a few)
So my question is Was I just totally oblivious before and this has always been going on or has there been a recent surge in slash heavy tv shows? Are the networks deliberately going for
bromance and hot guys? Not that I am complaining… -
October 8, 2011 at 11:01 pm #6407AnonymousInactive
Ahhh I remember it well…those days of innocense before my first computer and kirk and spock.
I kinda like to think that writers/producers know where their bread is buttered and slashers get into every nook and cranny lol. m/m romance on line is a biggie right now so throwing us the odd bone means lots of interest. Readers going looking for a specific show after they have found a hot hot story
Its all publicity dalllling and it pushes up ratings …….
That and the fact that a some slashers could find a saucy story between a hot chilli pepper and a butter bean -
October 9, 2011 at 12:01 pm #6408AnonymousInactive
My first slash ship was Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and I remember being astounded by it. I loved their chemistry in TPM (and I have ALWAYS loved any movie/show with male-bonding, whatever the extent), but that kind of a relationship? I wasn’t so sure. The fanfic author explained to me that she imagined the Jedi as free spirits/evolved enough to choose lovers regardless of things like gender. That made complete sense to me and the more I read, the more I realized slash was what was missing in my enjoyment of fandoms.
I even got a bumper sticker that read “I’d rather be writing slash” and TWICE people left notes on my windshield/car window in enthusiastic, multi-exclamation point support of it *G*
And now it’s progressed to the state where I will choose what fandoms to get into specifically because of the slash potential (okay, with a little bit of h/c potential weighting the decision as well). If it hadn’t been for a Remus/Sirius slashfic I read, I would NEVER have read the Harry Potter books (and now I’m co-organizer of my local Harry Potter Alliance chapter, lol). If not for Hiding in Plain Sight, I might not have finally finished watching Stargate Atlantis (thanks, Xanthe! Totally worth it!).
Sure, I still enjoy movies and shows that don’t have slash possibilities, and I can enjoy fandoms for what they are. But if there are slash possibilities, you bet I now only see them in an instant but I’m drawn right to it. It definitely increases my enjoyment of a fandom, that’s for sure. -
October 9, 2011 at 12:03 pm #6409AnonymousInactive
How recognizable! Slashing the characters from a tv-show, even if it’s the first time you see it…then go online to see if someone has written a fic about it
Or actually doing it the other way around: finding a slash fic and then becoming interested in the tv-show! Of course you can never watch the show without wanting those two characters to get together somehow, even though you know that will never happen (unless you had this experience with the show “Queer as Folk” ::) )
ps: love the bumper sticker text!! *sticks a note on your car* *bg* -
October 9, 2011 at 5:03 pm #6410AnonymousInactive
I can just about remember the innocent days of secondary school not knowing about the wonders of slash fanfiction. It wasn’t until I was about 15 that I found fanfiction (on quizziller no less) and got hooked. At first it was gen, then it was het then my friend introduced me to slash and I haven’t gone back.
I usually find an awesome show or film and go searching for the slash, sometimes the stuff is amazing but other times there just isnt any interest but I have found myself watching something because of a fic, usually its because of crossovers or fusions. I’m desperate to watch the sentinel because of the amazing fiction that is due to that show but can’t find it anywhere on the internet
Anyway I usually find the reason I’m so into slash is because there are usually more male characters (at least in the type of shows/films I tend to watch) or I don’t like the girls enough to actually read them in a pairing. But I can see what you mean there does seem to be an increase in the bromance of characters or even the actors who play them (Charles/Erik is obvious without the whole James/Michael bromance lol) -
October 11, 2011 at 5:03 am #6411XantheKeymaster
I love this topic!!!
I remember watching shows as a kid and although I wasn’t slashing them, I was really excited by them in a way I didn’t understand. And what I was excited about was the relationship between the two guys on the show. I loved Raffles and Bunny (my first huge major fandom crush! I was completely in love with Anthony Valentine for several months! LOL!), Bodie and Doyle (the Professionals) and then, of course, there was the obligatory Kirk/Spock crush. I must have rewatched “Amok Time” a gazillion times to see Spock sort of admit how much he loved his captain *g*. There were Carter and Regan (The Sweeney) and Blake and Avon (or really just Avon with anyone – I was a total Avon junkie) from Blake’s 7.
It wasn’t until I found The X Files that I realised what I was loving were SLASH relationships. Once I found Mulder and Skinner I never looked back! I started writing it immediately and all the stories on my site show my progression from there.
What’s interesting is which couple grab you as a pairing and which don’t. I love Sherlock for example, and I like Hawaii 5-0 and can totally SEE the slash in them both. But it just doesn’t interest me in fandom terms – yet. With NCIS and The X Files I’d been watching for 5 seasons before I suddenly wanted to write the pairing. Other pairings grab me quicker – Captain Jack was a hugely slashy character the minute he appeared onscreen – it’s just a shame he never had time to really cement a bond with the Doctor in a way I’d have liked. John and Rodney from SGA caught me very early on, and Mike and Harvey from Suits almost from Day One. It’s so hard to predict which pairing will make me want to participate in a fandom though. Not sure if it’s the same for everyone.
I think, for me, with my, uh, special interests, I have to see some BDSM possibilities in a pairing too, in order for it to be a real fandom interest of mine. I love writing just slash – I’ve written far more stories without BDSM than with it – but I love the frisson of knowing I can put them in BDSM situations too! -
October 11, 2011 at 6:03 am #6412XantheKeymaster
i too started with SGA fanfic. by accident i found there was a lot more slash fiction. and it was better written than non-slashy stuff. i didn’t even know there existed such well written stories. and they were FREE. and were about my favourite characters. and totally removed what ever “chick” writers decided to make up so the characters had a romantic interest. To be honest i would rather that characters on some tv shows didn’t HAVE romantic interests. it would totally solve some of those pesky canon problems that prevent characters being slashy!
i do have problems tho. I see slash every where there are hot guys on the telly. and get really, really annoyed when the “cheat” on each other *laugh*.
(and if this isn’t all correctly spelt…sorry…but i am typing by candle light…don’t ask) -
October 11, 2011 at 6:18 am #6413AnonymousInactive
My slash googles were permenantly emplanted at age 13. My cousins house, watching a BtVS marathon, season six and complaining that the Buffy/Spike relationship was wrong, wrong, wrong!! My cousin (18/19 yr old) was agreeing with me and made an off-hand comment that the only thing worse would be if the writers had paired Xander/Spike. I spent the next how ever long going over how they could work…and never looked back.
October 13, 2011 at 6:18 am #6414AnonymousInactive
My slash googles were permenantly emplanted at age 13. My cousins house, watching a BtVS marathon, season six and complaining that the Buffy/Spike relationship was wrong, wrong, wrong!! My cousin (18/19 yr old) was agreeing with me and made an off-hand comment that the only thing worse would be if the writers had paired Xander/Spike. I spent the next how ever long going over how they could work…and never looked back.
October 13, 2011 at 2:18 pm #6415XantheKeymaster
i too started with SGA fanfic. by accident i found there was a lot more slash fiction. and it was better written than non-slashy stuff. i didn’t even know there existed such well written stories. and they were FREE. and were about my favourite characters. and totally removed what ever “chick” writers decided to make up so the characters had a romantic interest. To be honest i would rather that characters on some tv shows didn’t HAVE romantic interests. it would totally solve some of those pesky canon problems that prevent characters being slashy!
i do have problems tho. I see slash every where there are hot guys on the telly. and get really, really annoyed when the “cheat” on each other *laugh*.
(and if this isn’t all correctly spelt…sorry…but i am typing by candle light…don’t ask)
Typing by candlelight sounds terribly romantic! LOL! And yes, I’ve noticed that slash stories tend to be far better than het stories – and I speak as one who has written both. I’m not saying ALL het stories, obviously – there are some great ones out there. But slash seems to go further and explore more whereas het seems to be traditional romance genre type stuff and therefore rather boring (to me at least!). What I like about slash is that we’re not stuck with roles or traditional male/female romantic expectations. And it’s far more interesting getting two guys into bed with each other – you have to work harder for it! -
October 13, 2011 at 2:53 pm #6416AnonymousInactive
This is a wonderful topic! I love seeing how other people are drawn in. My history is similar; always loved the buddy shows and the chemistry between the leads, Han and Luke from Star Wars topping the list when I was younger. For me, I got into fanfic about twelve years ago when I’d be up all night with my one-year old. I remember looking up Hercules on the net to see who that gorgeous man was who played Ares and followed a link that led to some het fic. I had never heard of fanfiction up to that point and I couldn’t believe how much of this stuff was out there! I discovered an archive that had a list of hundreds of tv shows and movies and plundered it. At the top of the page was a link that said ‘slash’ and I thought ‘oooh, cool! Bloody, scary, horror/slasher movie fic here I come!’ LOL Imagine my surprise! Of course, I ended up reading a ton of Ares/Hercules fic and ended up deep in that fandom for about two years, finding Due South at that time fit me pretty well, too. Smallville, Invisible Man, The Fast and the Furious, Star Trek Reboot, and many others followed, but strangely, The X-Files never pinged on my radar at all; I shipped Mulder/Scully and could never get past it. (I tried hard, too. So much fic wasted it was an absolute tragedy.)
October 14, 2011 at 6:53 am #6417AnonymousInactive
Typing by candlelight sounds terribly romantic! LOL! And yes, I’ve noticed that slash stories tend to be far better than het stories – and I speak as one who has written both. I’m not saying ALL het stories, obviously – there are some great ones out there. But slash seems to go further and explore more whereas het seems to be traditional romance genre type stuff and therefore rather boring (to me at least!). What I like about slash is that we’re not stuck with roles or traditional male/female romantic expectations. And it’s far more interesting getting two guys into bed with each other – you have to work harder for it!
i think that TV is a brilliant medium but it doesn’t reflect the diversity of real life. that is why fanfic exsists….because we want more. and sometimes two characters have such chemistry that they just seem to belong together in every way. of course….sometimes it is just that the smut is so much better *grin*
…and typing in candle light…on a laptop….with all those small keys…not as cool as it sounds. but it really was a lovely evening…and candles just worked. ya know? -
October 14, 2011 at 9:07 am #6418AnonymousInactive
But slash seems to go further and explore more whereas het seems to be traditional romance genre type stuff and therefore rather boring (to me at least!). What I like about slash is that we’re not stuck with roles or traditional male/female romantic expectations. And it’s far more interesting getting two guys into bed with each other – you have to work harder for it!
With slash in my humble opinion you are not stuck with the big macho guy dragging home a dead cow over his shoulder to provide for his little woman and kids image. And before all the womans libbers out there get upset I claim my trip to tesco on a weekly basis and dragging all those bags in to feed my 3 men = the same dead cowThis is what I’m trying to agree with Sam about. Our boys are not flamboyantly gay steriotypes with one taking on the more feminine role.
With slash first you have to work to find a balance…same sex partners may not be matched pound for pound but in most of our story verses each partner has unique qualities. Gibb’s and DiNozzo for example, ok no one would really take Tony for a sub just looking at him. He fits the macho male role perfectly unless you see the interaction between him and his boss. Skinner and Fox however has the alpha male with the lighter beta but Fox’s sharp mind balances Skinners size and power. (am I even making sense? I doubt it what I am trying to say is kinda scrambled in my head lol)The best stories bring those qualities out and build on them. The draw for me has always been a power thing. I love evenly matched couples and the complex stories that are written which very subtly tilt that balance to get these men into bed. (groan…I really know this doesnt make sense)
Oh BTW? as this was kinda the whole topic thingy
The first slash I read was a Kirk/Spock and the First BDSM I read which kinda shocked the hell outa me because well that stuff gets played behind locked doors lol was a Chakotay/Paris and then I found an original BDSM m/m called Clean Sweep. After that every good show was followed and group joined that had m/m pairings I rarely if ever read het because it holds no oompf for me.
Call this old lady perverted -
October 14, 2011 at 2:07 pm #6419AnonymousInactive
….and then I found an original BDSM m/m called Clean Sweep
“Clean Sweep” as in Clive and Trenton? Have you read the follow up story called “Clean Cut”? I came across those stories on aff.net, then went to her site and became attached to fics of that author in a different fandom: Hercules…Ares/Joxer *g*
It actually usually goes like that: I start reading in a certain fandom and then that author starts writing (or has written) in a fandom not familiar to me and I’ll read that too. After that I will search sites with that ‘new’ fandom, come across ‘new’ authors, read, discover a ‘new’ fandom etc.
I have favorite fandoms, but occasionally I’ll do some fandom-hopping -
October 15, 2011 at 2:07 pm #6420AnonymousInactive
Yep I read the follow up .. fantastic story
November 11, 2011 at 2:07 pm #6421AnonymousInactive
I remember those innocent days when shipped Mulder/Scully and Janeway/Chakotay … hangs head in shame
However after accidently stumbling across a McShep fic whilst in search of McWeir (please put down the pitchforks) fic my eyes were opened to this new and exciting universe. Since then I’ve started slashing pairings in a large number of fandoms like Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock BBC, Supernatural (not incesty one), H50 but have recently left the fandom, Merlin, Star Trek Reboot, SGA, SG1, The Sentinel, Psych, and Top Gear.
I also femslash in Merlin, Rizzoli & Isles, Bad Girls, SG1.
God I’ve got a lot of fandoms -
November 16, 2011 at 10:07 am #6422AnonymousInactive
Ah, no you actually don’t
I remember writing down a list of the fandoms I actively read (as in read fics sole in that fandom, not just crossovers into it) and quite when I reached 30 -
December 12, 2011 at 10:49 am #6423AnonymousInactive
I’m not sure if TV shows are have become more prevalent giving us easy slash pairings. I think we are seeing them more, and we have a lovely diverse community to help fan our slashy tendencies. Personally, I my slash progression has done a complete turn around. I was introduced to the wonderful world of slash though the Disney film Newsies (Don’t have to think much to get great pairings out of that film). Then I hunted out stories based on my fav shows, films and books. Lately though the processed is reversed, I started out looking for stargate Atlantis on Xanthe’s site and fell in love with the enchanting BDSM universe, which led to intrigue over the show NCIS (which I had previously only watched one ep of). Which led to the wonderful 24/7 fic. Now I find that I am searching out TV Shows which are the inspiration of my favourite slash fics.
List so far is NCIS, X-Files and my new fav show Suits. -
December 12, 2011 at 1:49 pm #6424XantheKeymaster
Hi Arseniclace!
I think it’s an interesting point about slash pairings – because I think TV shows have woken up to the fact that bromances work really well and are very popular. And in fact the female equivalents are too. While some people pretty much only watch shows for ‘will they/won’t they’ het couples, a lot of people like seeing friendships portrayed and that’s easier when the friendship is between people of the same gender as it doesn’t devolve into romance the way opposite gender friendships inevitably do on TV (it’s like a law or something). See, I LOVE friendship. I’m pretty meh about romance on most shows other than show that are ABOUT romance. I just find it boring. But I love seeing friendship – and I love the Rizzoli and Isles friendship as much as I love a m/m kind of friendship. I wish shows would actually do more in that respect. R&I is brilliant for really portraying a close friendship – I’d like the bromance shows to give us more along those lines too.
And yay! LOL! I love that you got turned onto various TV shows via my fics!!! Hee! -
January 24, 2012 at 8:49 am #6425AnonymousInactive
So, I was walking by last Sunday when hubby had the 49ers v. Saints game on, so I stayed and watched the last minutes of it. After that final touchdown, when Jim Harbaugh was hugging his player, my twisted, warped brain went, “Man, I wish I could read lips so I can know what sweet nothings Jim’s whispering into that guy’s ear.” *facepalm* Total slash bomb.
Btw, does Jim Harbaugh remind anyone else of Gibbs? I mean, he’s so down to earth, treats his team like a family, kind of an ass, and completely unapologetic.
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