Hey! Hello! Let’s get off with a bang!

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    • #6166

      I love Sheldon. Discuss.

    • #6168

      Heh – good topic! I adore Sheldon, bless his dysfunctional heart! One thing I love is his sheer asexuality. I hope they don’t ever give him a proper sexual relationship with anyone – asexual people aren’t represented at all on TV and it’s refreshing to see one.
      Plus, he’s hilarious!

    • #6169

      Am joining the ‘I love Sheldon’ group ;)
      I haven’t been watching this show long but I love it so much. I can spend a whole episode giggling hysterically ;D
      Sheldon is adorable and hilarious plus I totally agree with you on his asexuality.
      (Though it feels an odd situation to be hoping a character avoids ‘coitus’ when usually I’m happily shipping slash pairings in my mind!)

    • #6170

      Sheldon and Amy, bless their hearts, would have a desperately hard time trying to hold hands! But at least they have that quirky friendship. Sheldon is capable of forming friendships, even tho he has almost crippling personality disorders.
      His friendship with Penny was the breakthrough I think. Penny is the linchpin to the show; she leads the boys to the outside world. They can reach out to explore thru her.

    • #6171

      Sheldon and Amy, bless their hearts, would have a desperately hard time trying to hold hands! But at least they have that quirky friendship. Sheldon is capable of forming friendships, even tho he has almost crippling personality disorders.
      His friendship with Penny was the breakthrough I think. Penny is the linchpin to the show; she leads the boys to the outside world. They can reach out to explore thru her.
      Great point about Penny! I love her – she’s so great!

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