I discovered slash, and I had NO idea what it was, in my fandom, The Pretender (which is not very slashy at all unfortunately). I read this story that had the word slash in it, not having a clue what that meant and was shocked and horrified… yes, shocked, when it got slashy. Decided I couldn’t read it, was just appalled. Who would write such things?
Well, of course, some weird compulsion, or demon possession or something, forced me to continue and now I realise it wasn’t really all that good, but at the time… oh my. Finding a severe lack of any more stories in my own fandom, I hunted further abroad and found this thing called 24/7 on some random site. Didn’t actually find out about xanthe.org until much later, so I read the great epic slash novel, and the rest, as they say is history.
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