Summary: Mulder struggles with some personal issues during a hostage negotiation.
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Skinner/Mulder
Genre: Slash
Characters: Fox Mulder, Walter Skinner
Story Type: Angst, romance, action, case
Rated: NC-17
Spoilers: Folie A Deux. This is set between Folie A Deux and The End.
Warnings: None
Series: None
Word Count: 16,814
Chapters: 1
Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: N/K probably 1998
Outstanding X File in the Wirerims Awards
Best Angst, Best Psychological Muldertorture, Best First Person story in the 1999 MTA Purple Heart awards.
Joint winner of the Best Angst category in the 1998 Whammy slash awards.
Notes: One of the central themes of Hostage was inspired by a particular passage from Debra Baker’s lovely story: Balancing Act. She very kindly gave me permission to explore it in my own way in this story.Thanks to Holmes for the usual excellent beta reading. Wonderful pic courtesy of Mika.
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