



Summary: Death, rebirth, discovery, betrayal, redemption      

Fandom: X-Files      

Pairing: Skinner/Krycek      

Genre: Slash      

Characters: Alex Krycek, Walter Skinner

Story Type: Angst, romance, ANGST, ANGST, ANGST!

Rated: NC-17

Spoilers: Existence

Warnings: This is an extremely dark and challenging fic.

Series: None

Word Count: 24,291

Chapters: 1

Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Xanthe’s Recommendation

Published: June 19, 2002    









Notes: Pic by The Theban BandThis is a very dark fic, with, I hope, an ultimately redeeming theme, but I’ll leave the interpretation of what eventually happens up to the individual reader. It’s written entirely in the second person – this is intentional. Many thanks to dot for the encouragement to keep going and to Phoebe for the beta, very insightful thoughts and the quote.  


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