Summary: Someone’s drunk…
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Jed/Leo
Genre: Slash
Characters: Jed Bartlet, Leo McGarry
Story Type: Humour/Crack, Romance
Rated: PG
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,751
Chapters: 1
Recommendations: Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: May 11, 2003
Notes: This is a June 17th universe fic. You don’t need to have read that fic to understand this one though! I wrote this one for May’s “warm fuzzies” challenge on the Jed/Leo list. I dunno if it works as that but it’s pretty angst free at least! It’s entirely unbeta’d so all mistakes, Anglicisms etc are my own.
Pic by Frances
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