June 17th


June 17th


Summary: Two powerful men, one anniversary…and the ups and downs of a love affair spanning 40 years.

Fandom: The West Wing

Pairing: Jed/Leo

Genre: Slash

Characters: Jed Bartlet, Leo McGarry

Story Type: Romance, angst, drama

Rated: NC-17

Spoilers: None

Warnings: None

Word Count: 30,256

Series: June 17th

Chapters: 5

Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Popular Favourite, Xanthe Loved Writing This One!, Xanthe’s Recommendation

Published: November 23, 2002

Awards: Outstanding Jed/Leo story – 2nd place

June 17th was one of my first serious Jed/Leo fics and a story I loved writing. As I was writing in a new fandom I was thrilled to do so well in the 2002 Jed Awards.


Notes:   Pic courtesy of Bluespirit. I’m really absurdly proud of this story. I started becoming fascinated by the Jed/Leo relationship while writing The Friday Night Club and then this story idea popped into my head and it was one of those I just *had* to write. It was a fantastic writing experience and I’m very fond of the story so I hope you enjoy it too! Dedications: Heartfelt thanks to dot for support, information, pic URLs, bucket-loads of encouraging feedback, general pickiness and beta advice. Special thanks to Phoebe for the usual great beta and for knowing just about everything about just about anything Grateful thanks to Bluespirit for making me yet another beautiful West Wing pic and for managing not to include Orlando Bloom in it despite being verrrrry tempted


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