Little Earth
Summary: Scully, Mulder and Skinner’s lives are drawn together one last time by a bond too strong to be broken by their enemies, as Skinner performs an ultimate act of friendship. There are some disturbing images in this one, including rape and character death.
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Skinner/Samantha
Genre: Het
Characters: Skinner, Samantha
Story Type: Action/Case, Angst, First Time, Futurefic, Romance
Rated: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Warnings: This is a very sad story. There is quasi-rape, some disturbing images, and all sorts of death and despair so you might not want to read it if you’re feeling down right now.
Series: None
Word Count: 16,758
Chapters: 1
Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Popular Favourite, Xanthe Loved Writing This One!, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: October 17, 1999
Awards: Wirerims award winner for best Skinner/Other X Files character romance.
I was delighted when this story was nominated for several Spooky 2000 awards in the Outstanding Other Series Character Romance, Outstanding Skinner Characterisation, and Outstanding Post Apocalypse/Colonisation categories. It won third place in the Outstanding Other Character Romance category.
Notes: Thanks to Lisby for the great pic. Lisby has made a wonderful cover page for Little Earth on her In Our Humble Opinion site.
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