Summary: This story is a kind of loose sequel to Trust No1 (but you don’t need to have read that) and there’s another loose sequel Educating Walter, set in the same universe.
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Skinner/Mulder/Scully
Genre: Threesome
Characters: Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Walter Skinner
Story Type:
Rated: R
Spoilers: Monday. Kinda!
Warnings: None
Series: Sunday Verse
Word Count: 8,305
Chapters: 1
Published: June 11, 1999
Notes: This was written for a Requited challenge to write a “happy Walter” story after a spate of sad ones had been posted, and for the Smiling Pectoral God archive. If you like this story then you must check out Twisted Sister’s wonderful threesome drabbleverse on the Small Potatoes site.
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