The Adversary
Summary: Mulder is abducted, and subjected to repeated rapes and torture, during which he becomes emotionally and psychologically involved in a deadly battle of wits with his torturer. There are high stakes, as the prize for winning is possession of Mulder’s soul — and his future. As this intense, award-winning story unfolds, Mulder is forced to confront his past, unravel his complex relationship with Skinner and face up to his own psychological demons — and, in the process, find a way to defeat his adversary.
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Skinner/Mulder
Genre: Slash
Characters: Mulder, Skinner, Original
Story Type: Action/Case, Angst, BDSM, Character Study, Discipline, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non Con, Romance, Torture
Rated: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Non-Con/Rape, Torture
Series: None
Word Count: 131,234
Chapters: 1
Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Popular Favourite, Xanthe Loved Writing This One!, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Awards: Mulder In Jeopardy Silver Sutures 2002 award winner for: Best Novel Best Psychological Muldertorture
Spookys 2001 Winner for: Outstanding Muldertorture Outstanding Mulder Slash Story Outstanding Original Character (Laurence)
Runner Up: Outstanding Mulder Characterisation
Notes: Dedications: Many thanks to L&M, in memory of one inspiring Monday morning and evening, although this story has gone a long way beyond that original inspiration!A HUGE thanks also to Phoebe support, daily feedback, encouragement and enduring many tedious discussions about names. Also for Briticism help, and just being there every day, a calm voice of reason. BIG thanks to Gaby, for the GPR, and for beta reading help above and beyond the call of duty. I so appreciate the amount of time, effort, and thought that you put into helping me with this one, even when you were being particularly anal
Thanks also for your encouragement, nagging, kind words, virtual hugs, pink thingies, green thingies and blue thingies, and your great suggestions. You’ve been a star. The Adversary is now available as a zine! You can order this award-winning novel now from Agent With Style. Just go to the What’s New page on the Agent With Style site, follow the link to The X Files page and scroll down until you find it.
Part One: This story contains extremely *graphic* scenes of multiple rape, and physical, emotional and psychological abuse. It is by far the darkest fic I’ve written. Please do NOT read it if you know you are likely to be squicked by those elements. Please take this warning seriously.
The Adversary Gallery
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- The Adversary
- The Adversary 2 beautiful picture by Mika
- The Adversary 3 beautiful picture by Mika
- The Adversary 4 beautiful picture by Mika
Index page
1. Part One
2. Part Two
3. Part Three
4. Part Four
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