The First Collar
Summary: Gibbs is a top with a desperate need to atone for his past mistakes and a habit of collaring the members of his team. Tony is a sub who distrusts all tops and has never yet agreed to wear any top’s collar, not even in play. Sparks fly when they meet for the first time – but will Gibbs be able to protect Tony from a past that is rapidly catching up with him, and will Tony ever trust Gibbs enough to wear his collar?
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Genre: Slash
Characters: Gibbs, DiNozzo
Story Type: Action/Case, Angst, AU, BDSM, BDSM-Universe, Discipline, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non Con, Spanking
Rated: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Warnings: This story features lifestyle BDSM, D/s powerplay, and spanking. There are some scenes of sexual cruelty and non-con.
Series: None
Word Count: 95,237
Chapters: 12
Recommendations: Award Winner, Classic, Popular Favourite, Xanthe Loved Writing This One!, Xanthe’s Recommendation
Published: March 16, 2010
Notes: Many thanks to: tejas and annieb1955 for beta. And to nikitariddick, , bluespirit_star and Haggy for audiencing. I am enormously grateful to you all for your kindness, support, feedback, constructive criticism and help. All mistakes are mine. A big thank you also to colleendetroit for giving me permission to use her fantastic graphic, to blackchaps for asking her to make it, and to bluespirit_star for adding the perfect lettering.
The First Collar Gallery
Click on an image to enlarge
1. Part One
2.Part Two
3. Part Three
4. Part Four
5. Part Five
6. Part Six
7. Part Seven
8. Part Eight
9. Part Nine
10. Part Ten
11. Part Eleven
12. Part Twelve
Download The First Collar podfic read by Naurel Greenleaf here.
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