A little while ago, a fandom friend embarked on a project called Fic Street. Their mission statement is as follows:
Coming Soon | Fic Street – “Writers you know, fiction you’ll love!” Fic Street is a FREE original fiction archive and showcase for fandom-friendly authors and readers who are interested in quality commercial/professional fiction and genuine community.
It’s an interesting, ambitious project, and when I was asked about my experiences “with the fanfic vs. original fiction divide and with publishing”, I was delighted to be able to contribute an article to the new site detailing my own personal journey.
When I started out on my journey to writing and publishing profic, it was hard to piece together how to go about it and what to expect of the process. I found a lot by research, but was enormously lucky to have help from fandom friends who have published their own original character novels, and who gave me advice and pointers. On the principle of ‘pay it forward’, I gathered my thoughts and advice on the process together for the Fic Street article.
It’s been published on the Fic Street site in three parts. You can find them here: Part One, Part Two, Part Three. Be sure to take a little look at the Fic Street site while you’re there – it’s still in development, but it’s a really cool project!