World’s Child

World’s Child  Summary: A small boy struggles to make sense of his destiny and his unusual abilities in a world full of danger. Extract: A couple of flashlights relieved the gloom of the room and I was finally able to see the man I had only...

The Adversary

The Adversary  Summary: Mulder is abducted, and subjected to repeated rapes and torture, during which he becomes emotionally and psychologically involved in a deadly battle of wits with his torturer. There are high stakes, as the prize for winning is...

Little Earth

Little Earth Summary: Scully, Mulder and Skinner’s lives are drawn together one last time by a bond too strong to be broken by their enemies, as Skinner performs an ultimate act of friendship. There are some disturbing images in this one, including rape and...


AfterSummary: A group of post-apocalyptic travellers embark on a dangerous journey.Fandom: X-FilesPairing: Skinner/MulderGenre: SlashCharacters: Fox Mulder, Walter SkinnerStory Type: Action/Case, Angst, Established Relationship, Futurefic, Hurt/Comfort, RomanceRated:...


24/7  Summary: A Skinner/Mulder, Master/slave fantasy. Mulder finally finds someone who will give him the extreme thrills that he seeks, but there’s a high price to be paid.Extract: “He felt as if was spinning out of control, seeking ever more...

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