by jacci | Oct 29, 2011
The Word Summary: “I’m going to give you a word,” Gibbs said, trailing a finger over Tony’s freshly spanked ass.Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzoGenre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs, DiNozzoStory Type: BDSM, Established Relationship, iContest Story, Romance,...
by jacci | Oct 28, 2011
Stubble Summary: His clothes feel strange against his skin after three years wearing prison overalls, but the sky is blue and the sun is shining – it’s a good day to start a new life. Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo ...
by jacci | Oct 28, 2011
The Fifth Mrs. Gibbs Summary: “Look, Tony, you can’t keep sulking just because some piece of skirt handed back your ring years ago…You’ve gotta get out there and find yourself a wife.”Fandom: NCISPairing: Gibbs/DiNozzoGenre: SlashCharacters: Gibbs,...
by jacci | Oct 28, 2011
Hot Summary: “Tony, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and it’s 80 degrees out here! Why on earth are you wearing that giant sweater?” Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Genre: Slash Characters: Gibbs, DiNozzo Story...
by jacci | Jun 7, 2011
Two Wolves Illustrations Gallery Incredible art contributed by fans for Two Wolves ...
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